Assume yourself to be the student prefect of your school. Write a letter to the principal complaining him/her about the poor quality of food served in the school canteen.
Please be clear with the answers you provide. Nuisance and copy from any website or answer will be reported ASAP.
I am the student of this school and am writing this complaint on behalf of all the students.I regret to inform you that the food that is served is most unsatisfactory. No doubt, there is a kitchen committee whose duty is to look to the quality of food, but the mess manager is more than a match for the members of the committee. He is a first class cheat.
For your information pure milk and curds are never served in the hostel. There is the Govt. dairy Where pure milk is easily available. But the mess manager purchases if from the Gujjars who are notorious for diluting milk with water. Food is just always stale. This is the only reason I would prefer if you talk to the kitchen comity and better our food style.
Good Morning respected Sir
I am (Your name) from (your section). I am the student prefect and as my duty I too have to listen to my classmates needs. I am writing you this letter to inform you about the poor food quality in our school.
As you must know a lot of children buy food fro the cafeteria instead of bringing a home-made lunch. Everybody is supposed to look forward to lunch as it is our half an hour where we can do almost anything we want. But during the period of our break we also fill our stomachs. We have to have nutritious and appetizing food as we learn in science But the food we are served in the cafeteria is completly mouldering. The food - when its supposed to be hot - is cold and stale and none of us students even want to eat it as long as we are starving. We cannot even take a bite of it because of its staleness. Ever since the cafeteria service changed we have been getting worse food and more children are pressuring their parents to make their lunch, which is too much as they already make our breakfast-and they have to go to work
Please take my recomendation into consideration.
Sorry if it was kind of late. PEACE