Biology, asked by DivyanshiBittu, 5 months ago

Astronomers find ‘Goldilocks’ black hole
Early black holes may seed their more massive cousins.

Artist impression of the new black hole's discovery: it was found through the detection of a gravitationally lensed gamma-ray burst. Credit: Carl Knox

( I am not asking question from you I am telling you about the black hole)​



Answered by Anonymous



Welding or cutting operations shall not be permitted in rooms or areas containing combustible materials or in proximity to explosives or flammable liquids, dusts, gases or vapors, until all fire and explosion hazards are eliminated.

(2) Welding or cutting operations on containers filled with explosives or flammable substance is prohibited. Welding closed containers that have held explosive or flammable substance shall only be undertaken after the containers have been thoroughly cleaned and found completely free of combustible gases or vapors or the containers are filled with inert gas or with water.

Oh okay

Answered by peehuthakur


black hole is a region of spacetime where gravity is so strong that nothing—no particles or even electromagnetic radiation such as light—can escape from it. The theory of general relativity predicts that a sufficiently compact mass can deform spacetime to form a black hole

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