Chemistry, asked by rajniagastaya, 10 months ago

at 2 atm pressure a gas occupies 11.2 litre of volume. then calculate the average pressure on volume of 1 litre of a gas.​


Answered by seemjaiswal98

Answer: 50 litres


Answered by mbkh



Epic of Gilgamesh SummaryThe Epic of Gilgamesh set in the Mesopotamian times which is known as Modern Day Iraq. It is about a ruthless king Gilgamesh who was born as half human and half god. His mother Lady Wildcow Ninsun is a minor goddess that is prayed for her great wisdom. Lugulabanda is considered as Gilgamesh’s father and is also a minor known god. Gilgamesh is the King of Uruk now he is disliked by his kingdom because of his brutal ways. Such as raping Innocent women before their marriage night with their husbands. His cruelty to the peasants in his kingdom with the ideal that he is great with glory and will live forever. The gods Anu and Ishtar as the goddess Aruru to create a man from clay and send him down to Uruk. The man Enkidu is meant to be the equal to Gilgamesh as he touches the ground Enkidu lives in the wild. He acts like a beast to those around him until The Hunter discovers Enkidu at his watering place and plans to tame him. He asks for Shamhat to come to the waterhole to tame Enkidu by making love with him for seven days and six nights. Enkidu is then humanized by Shamhat he is brought to some Shepard’s to be dressed and taught to act more civilized. He is not welcomed back to the animal pack which he lived with previously before he became more human and civilized. Enkidu helps the Shepard’s protect the sheep flocks. He shows kindness to the people that he meets, and he helps those that he can. He is brought by Shamhat towards Uruk where he meets Gilgamesh who is about to rape a girl. Enkidu is angered and attacks Gilgamesh they both fight in a brawl though Enkidu lost the fight. Enkidu and Gilgamesh later on become great friends almost like brothers. They kill Humbaba at the Cedar Forest while collecting large trees to createlarge boats. The kill the Bull of Heaven sent down by Ishtar after Gilgamesh refuses to marry her. All the sins they have committed anger the gods so much that they decide to kill Enkidu as a punishmentto Gilgamesh. Enkidu becomes extremely ill he has visions of the underworld and shows anger to the Hunter that humanized him. Enkidu dies in Gilgamesh’s arms and this tells Gilgamesh he is not going to live forever. While Mourning for his friend Enkidu, Gilgamesh sets off on a journey to find Immortality. He fights Large Scorpion men and speaks to tavern keeper that tells Gilgamesh do not seek Immortality just live the life you have as best as you can. He meets Utnapishtim who is known and blessed with Immortality by the gods because he saved a number of animals from a large flood on a boat with his wife. Gilgamesh begs for the help of Utnapishtim but Utnapishtim refuses to help Gilgamesh with Immortality. He sends Gilgamesh back to Uruk but not without a plant that if digested can turn Gilgamesh young again. Gilgamesh falls asleep by a lake, but a snake eats the plant and sheds itsskin becoming young again before Gilgamesh can bring it to Uruk and share it with the elder man in his kingdom to see if it really works. Gilgamesh arrives back in Uurk his heart full and fear rising because he doesn’t want to die. But during his journey home he realizes he has to be agood king and if

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