English, asked by as4755942, 2 months ago

at follow. [5*1=5]
III. Sweet memories
IV. childhood days
A. No use to say 'O there are other balls';
As ultimate shaking grief fixes the boy'
As he stands rigid, trembling, staring down
All his young days into the larboard where
His ball went
a)The lost ball reminds the boy of his:
I. Friends
II. Relatives
b)'other balls' refers to
I. Old balls
II. New balls
c)The boy is sad because
1.He does not have any ball to play with
II. He is poor and cannot buy a ball.
III.The ball he was playing with is lost
IV.He does not know how to get it back.
III. other balls at ho
IV.none of the above
after loss
d) His body is​


Answered by Emranuddin035


I don't know


we do DC to ex tv h he has in his foot to thhhjgfh he d go go j

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