At what angle do the forces (A+B) & (A-B) act so that the magnitude of resultant is √ 3 A^2 + B ^2 ?
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Step-by-step explanation:
We have two vectors those being,
Their sum is 2A . I assume what we want is that this equals 3|A|2+|B|2−−−−−−−−−−√ in magnitude. This implies that,
With some rearangment, in the language of dot products, this means that,
Hence the vectors are orthogonal. Furthermore it is easy to see that the vectors A,B should be equal in magnitude.
At what angles do two vectors of magnitude (A+B) AND (A-B) act so that their resultant is the square root of 3Asquare+Bsquare?
At what angle the vector a + b and a minus b must act so that the resultant is root a square + b square?
If c bar = a bar + b bar, then is it possible to have a magnitude of c bar lesser than a bar and a magnitude of c bar lesser than b bar? Why?
If |A + B| = |A - B|, then what is the angle between vectors A and B?
If the resultant of two vectors A and B subtends at an angle of 45° with either of them, what will be the mod of the resultant vector?
applying the triangle law of vector addition
The Resultant of forces P and Q acting at angle # to each other is the root of
#=60 degrees
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Given ,
2 forces are A+B and A-B
R = √3A²+ B²
P= A+B
Q= A-B
Then, the resultant force R=√P²+ Q²+2P.Q.2Cos
=> √3A²+ B² = √P² +Q² +PQCos
=>3A²+B²= (A+B)²+(A-B)²+2(A+B)(A-B) cos
=>3A²+B²=A²+ 2AB+B²+A²-2AB+B²+2A²cos
=>. ?????
If A and B are two vectors, then what is the angle between A+B and A-B?
If A and B are two vectors, what is the angle between (A+B) and (A-B)?
If A and B are two vectors, what is the angle between (A + B) and (A × B)?
What is the angle between the two vectors (A*B) and (B*A)?
The result of two vectors a and b is perpendicular to vector 'a' and its magnitude is equal to half of the magnitude of vector 'b'. The angle between vector a and b is?
Using the parallelogram rule of addition we get
If the answer and procedure is right please upvote
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看不懂 I cant understand the question.
At what angles do two vectors of magnitude (A+B) AND (A-B) act so that their resultant is the square root of 3Asquare+Bsquare?
At what angle the vector a + b and a minus b must act so that the resultant is root a square + b square?
If c bar = a bar + b bar, then is it possible to have a magnitude of c bar lesser than a bar and a magnitude of c bar lesser than b bar? Why?
If |A + B| = |A - B|, then what is the angle between vectors A and B?
If the resultant of two vectors A and B subtends at an angle of 45° with either of them, what will be the mod of the resultant vector?
If A and B are two vectors, then what is the angle between A+B and A-B?
If A and B are two vectors, what is the angle between (A+B) and (A-B)?
If A and B are two vectors, what is the angle between (A + B) and (A × B)?
What is the angle between the two vectors (A*B) and (B*A)?
The result of two vectors a and b is perpendicular to vector 'a' and its magnitude is equal to half of the magnitude of vector 'b'. The angle between vector a and b is?
If a and b are two vectors such that |a+b|=|a-b|, what is the angle between a and b?
If A⃗ ×B⃗ =B⃗ ×A⃗ , then what is the angle between A⃗ and B⃗ ?
What is the angle between A and the resultant of A+B and A-B?
Why we only take positive value of resultant vector which comes as R^2=A^2+B^2+2ABcos@ then R=+-Root (A^2+B^2+2ABcos@)?
At what angle should two forces A+B and A-B act so that their resultant is under root 3 a squared + b squared?