India Languages, asked by shan2008tanu, 5 months ago

अद्यत्वे छात्राः विद्यालये किं किं निःशुल्कं प्राप्नुवन्ति ?​


Answered by anirudhdangwal


अद्यत्वे छात्रा विद्यालये निःशुल्कं गणवेषम्, पुस्तकानि, पुस्तकस्यूतम्, पादत्राणम्, मध्याह्नभोजनम्, छात्रवृत्तिं च प्राप्नुवन्ति।


अद्यत्वे छात्रा विद्यालये निःशुल्कं गणवेषम्, पुस्तकानि, पुस्तकस्यूतम्, पादत्राणम्, मध्याह्नभोजनम्, छात्रवृत्तिं च प्राप्नुवन्ति।

Answered by ayushpatel67636


my life is going to go away from me time and time table and sun and the future is the only way I will ever see you again in a way I know that I am so proud to have been able and sun and the future is a must have of the game of soil and a step of the game that will make the world

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