Geography, asked by atharva708a, 6 months ago

Atharva Mishra 7th “B"
For school magazine
Amazing science facts

1. Babies have around 100 more bones than adults.

2. The Eiffel tower can be 15 CM Taller during the summer.

3. 20% of Earth's oxygen is produced by the Amazon rainforest.

4. Some metals are so reactive that they explode on contract with water.

5. A teaspoon ful of neutron would weight 6 billion tons.

6. Huawii moves 7.5 CM closer to Alaska every year.

7. Chalk is made from trillions of microscopic plankton fossils.

8. In 3.2 billion years will be too hot for life to exist on Earth.

9. Polar bears are nearly undetectable by infrared cameras.

10. It takes 8 minutes, 9 seconds for light to travel from sun to the earth.

11. If you took out all the empty space in our atmosphere, the human race could fit in the volume of a sugar cube.

12.stomach acid is enough to dissolve stainless steel.

13. The Earth is a giant magnet.

14. Venus is the only planet to spin clockwise.

15. A flea can accelerate farter than the space shuttle.Atharva Mishra 7th “B"
For school magazine

Motivation needs two other nations, that is
Determination and your own imagination
Do an investigation, self examinations
And get rid of all your false accusations,
Initiation of extermination for your on affection on atrocious attraction.
Do an auction to sell off your bad exhibition.
Reduce the traction, apply some lotion and increase your locomotion.
Improve your physique, do some unique exercise of exertion and fatigue,
Get your body used to frustration and agitation, and increase the dose of new information.
After some more self-evaluation, enjoy your regeneration,
Isolation of your depression and desolation,
Resulting in a body formation which might help in serving our mother nation.

Atharva Mishra 7th “B"Atharva Mishra 7th “B"
For school magazine

1. Why was the number 6 afraid of the number 7?

Ans. Because 7 “ate” 9!

2. Why do plants hate maths?

Ans. Because it gives them square roots.

3. Why should you never start a conversation with Pi ?

Ans. Because he'll go on and on forever.

4. Why are obtuse angles so depressed?

Ans. Because they're never right.

5. Why did the mathematical tree fall over?

Ans. Because it has no real roots!

6. What did you get if you divide the circumference of an apple with its diameter?

Ans. Apple pi.

7. What do you call a tree that is made up of numbers?

Ans. A geome-tree

8. What did the triangle say to the circle?

Ans. “You're pointless"

9. Which king loved fraction?

Ans. Henry the ⅛.

10. Mathematician: πr2 (Pi r squared).

Baker: No! Pies are round and cake squared!

11. Who was the roundest Knight on King Arthur's table?

Ans. Sir Cumference

How did he get so round?

He ate too many π's.

12. What's the official animal of Pi day?

Ans. The Pi-thon!

13. What shape do you always have to be careful of?

Ans. A trap-azoid.

14. What do you call a number that can't sit still?

Ans. A roamin' numeral !

15. How do you make seven an even number?

Ans. Remove the S.

Atharva Mishra 7th “B"Atharva Mishra 7th “B"
For school magazine

A teacher is someone who is wise,
Cares about students and wears no disguise.
A teacher is a lesson for us and help us in all the faces of life.
A teacher takes time to help and tutor with English, Maths or Computer.
Everyday she plants a seed of curiosity and motivation.
To know and to grow and succeed.
Your lesson will point out my mistakes
And then i'll smile and say “my teacher is great".

Atharva Mishra 7th “B"Atharva Mishra 7th “B"
स्कूल मैगजीन हेतु
एहि एहि वीर रे

एहि एहि वीर रे
वीरतां विधेहि रे
भारतस्य रक्षणाय
जीवनं प्रदेहि रे।।
त्वं हि मार्गदर्शकः
त्वं हि देशरक्षकः
त्वं हि शत्रुनाशकः
साहसी सदा भवेः
वीरतां सदा भजे
मानसे सदा धरेः।।
पदं पदं मिलच्चलेत्
सोत्सहं मनो भवेत्
भारतस्य गौरवाय
सर्वदा जयो भवेत्।।
एहि एहि वीर रे
वीरतां विधेहि रे
भारतस्य रक्षणाय
जीवनं प्रदेहि रे।।

अथर्व मिश्रा 7th “B"Atharva Mishra 7 “B"
स्कूल मैगजीन हेतु
हिंदी- नैतिक विचार
1. अच्छा काम करते रहो कोई सम्मान करें या न करें,सूर्योदय तभी होता है जब करोड़ों लोग सोए होते हैं‌।
2. हम क्या करते हैं, इसका महत्व कम है; किंतु उसे हम किस भाव से करते हैं, इसका बहुत महत्व है।
3. अच्छा होगा कि आप कोशिश करें और नाकामयाब हो जाए और उससे कुछ सीखें बजाय इसके कि आप कुछ करें ही नहीं।
4. बुरी संगत उस कोयले के समान है, जो गर्म हो तो हाथ को जला देता है और ठंडा हो तो काला कर देता है।
5. आप जैसे विचार करेंगे, वैसे ही बन जाएंगे। अगर आप अपने को कमजोर मानेंगे तो आप कमजोर बन जाएंगे और यदि आप अपने को ताकतवर माने हुए तो ताकतवर बन जाएंगे।
6. आप क्या सोचते हैं अपने बारे में ज्यादा मायने रखता है, इससे कि दूसरे क्या सोचते हैं आपके बारे में।

अथर्व मिश्र 7B


Answered by janhvi2295

good morning friends stay home stay safe

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