लाख कीट के जीवन चक्र को सचित्र समझाइए।
Explain life cycle of lac insect with diagram
idk (i dont know)
Life cycle of lac insect:-
1. A female insect lays about 200-500 eggs in its resin chamber.
2. After 6 weeks of egg laying, a first instar larva is hatched out of the each egg. This process is also known as nymph.
3. These nymphs are active individuals, and eventually escape out from the resin chamber.
4. Now these gather on the small twigs of succulent plants.
5. The dermal glands present in the body of nymph secrete lac which dries after its contact with the air.
6. Nymphs continuously derive their nutrition in the form of sap from the succulent plants.
7. After 6-8 months of stable form the nymphs undergo metamorphosis.
8. Now they develop into wingless females it is about 70% of total nymphs and winged males about 30% of total nymphs.
9. Lac insect sucks the plant sap by introducing its mouth parts into plant tissue.
10. The best quality of lac is obtained by the lac insect which have been reared on ber and palas. This lac is named as Kusumic lac.