CBSE BOARD XII, asked by ajeetkil100, 3 months ago

अधालिाखतपुउचित विकल्प चित्वा लिखत
(i) पुस्तकालय' इत्यस्मिन पदे सन्धिः अस्ति
(अ) दीर्घ सन्धिः
(स) पूर्वरूप सन्धि
(द) गुण सशि
(ii) महेशः' इत्यस्मिन पदे सन्धि-विच्छेदः भवति
(अ) महा + ईश
(ब) महेश
(स) म+हीश
(द) महान श.
(iii) 'मनोहरः' इत्यरिमन पदे सन्धिः वर्तत
(अ) व्यञ्जन सन्धिः
(ब) स्वर सन्धिः
(स) विसर्ग सन्धिः
(द) पूर्वरूप सन्धि
(iv) विद्या माता इव रक्षति' इत्यस्मिन् वाक्ये अव्ययम् अस्ति
(अ) इव
(च) माता
(स) विद्या
(v) अधोलिखितेषु अव्ययं नास्ति
(अ) सर्वत्र
(स) बालक
(द) एवं​


Answered by TGSanjay11z


storefront the first of a new job of this communication is confidential information belonging to me to the inbox to be honest and we have been able the first place the same problem

Answered by SmitaMissinnocent


fAnswer. god has given us eyes to see the truth nd beauty of nature which really exists not to insult others but to look beyond the situations. and lips for speaking the truth nd sweet words so that evryone loves to stay with u not to criticize others.

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