English, asked by ShreyasDhonde, 6 months ago

atmanirbhar bharat essay


Answered by ramsharma5024


Answered by MasterMinecraft


Essay on Atma Nirbhar Bharat

It is a new government policy for encouraging local talent and generates new employment for people because many people and laborers lost their job in this epidemic. So, this scheme was launched to encourage people to develop their own business and contribute to the development of the nation. Get some well-worded essays here to understand the topic of Atma Nirbhar Bharat and write your own.

Short and Long Essays on Atma Nirbhar Bharat

Essay 1 (250 Words) - Atma Nirbhar Bharat


A new scheme for a new India, it is 2020, a year with lots of ups and downs and there were many new things to see and feel this year. Either it was the medical sector or small industry; everyone got directly affected this year. It is a hard time for not only us, but also for the nation. Different countries are trying their best to develop their nation because everyone got affected this year due to the Corona epidemic. Our Prime Minister also launched a new scheme named as Atma Nirbhar Bharat.

Who is Benefited with this Scheme “Atma Nirbhar Bharat”

Many of us can directly avail of the scheme and Modi Ji in his speech announced that:

“This economic package is for our cottage industry, home industry, our small-scale industry, our MSMEs, which is a source of livelihood for millions of people, which is the strong foundation of our resolve for a self-reliant India,".

This clearly indicates that most of all the industries can directly be a part of this scheme. This scheme also encourages our youth to develop their own bunnies and develop new jobs for others.


Our development indicates the development of our nation, so we should try our best for developing ourselves. The government can only launch a scheme but is it our duty to bring it into action. Many of us simply like to have a 9 to 6 job because business is risky sometimes. But we should come out of our comfort zone and try something new when we are getting such a good opportunity.

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