Atomic no.Name symbol and valency of the elements from 1to30
U will get atomic number ,symbol and valence as well 2,8,8,18,18,32 ,
Element symbol.
hydrogen. H. 1
helium He. 2
lithium. Li. 3
beryllium. Be. 4
boron. B. 5
carbon. C. 6
nitrogen. N. 7
oxygen. O. 8
fluorine. F. 9
neon. Ne. 10
sodium. Na. 11
magnesium. Mg. 12
aluminium. Al. 13
silicon. Si. 14
Phosphorus. P. 15
sulphur. S. 16
chlorine. Cl. 17
argon. Ar. 18
potassium. K. 19
calcium. Ca. 20
scandium. Sc. 21
titanium. Ti. 22
vanadium. V. 23
chromium. Cr. 24
manganese. Mn. 25
iron. Fe. 26
cobalt. Co 27
nickel. Ni. 28
copper. Cu. 29
zinc. Zn. 30