Political Science, asked by mjinsane23, 7 months ago

Attempt any four questions in allAll questions carry equal marksकिन्हीं चार प्रश्नों के उत्तर दो।सभी प्रश्नों के अंक समान हैं।Note : Answer may be written either in English or in Hindi.but the same medium should be used throughout the paper.टिप्पणी: इस प्रश्न पत्र का उत्तर अंग्रेजी या हिन्दी किसी एक भाषामें दीजिए : लेकिन सभी उत्तरों का माध्यम एक ही होना चाहिए।(Write your Name and Roll No. on each page of your answer sheet.)1. Discuss the major war-time conference that led to the formation of the UnitedNations.संयुक्त राष्ट्र के निर्माण में सहायक महत्वपूर्ण युद्धकालीन सम्मेलनों की चर्चा कीजिए2. Is General Assembly merely a "Talk-Shop"? Give arguments in support of youranswer.​


Answered by Anonymous


Viktor Yanukovych is the kind of dictator we love to hate. A kleptocrat who chose a bribe from Russia over his people's future in the EU. A thug who sent other thugs to beat up protesters, until he was finally ousted by his own people. A man who left his country bankrupt while pictures of his palatial estate and private zoo are broadcast around the world. We vilify dictators like this. And, yet, there remains a dream, for far too many development experts, business people and others around the globe that a strong leader with authoritarian powers is needed to move poor countries into the developed world.

Answered by skyfall63

No, the UN General Assembly is not merely a " talk-shop"


  • While the General Assembly does not usually engage explicitly in "political decisions" on the beginning or conclusion of peace operations, the General Assembly plays a crucial role in funding peace operations.
  • Since all Member States must share the peace-keeping costs, based on a specific scale of evaluations taking account of the relevant economic prosperity of Member States, the General Assembly apportions these expense, and needs the Security Council's permanent members  to contribute a greater share due to their responsibility for maintaining international peace & stability.
  • The General Assembly, via its 5th Committee approves & oversees the peace-keeping budget. This comprise in what way certain "field operations" are funded & equipped, centered on "detailed submissions" provided to it by the "UN Secretary-General".
  • Some examples of UN General Assembly's role in peace-keeping financing - The UN Mission in "South Sudan" which had become independent on 9th July 2011 *($1,071,000,000); UN Mission's peace-keeping mission in Cyprus in the year 1964 to prevent inter-communal violence between the Turkish Cypriots & Greek Cypriots ($54,000,000); UNs stabilisation mission in Congo ($1,141,848,100).
  • Via its "Special Committee" on "Peacekeeping Activitie"s, the General Assembly oversees "UN peace-keeping". It was formed in 1965 to carry out a thorough review of all peace-keeping issues. Via its "Fourth Committee" (special political & colonisation), the "Committee" reports to the General Assembly on its work.
  • The General Assembly may act, in compliance with the resolution 'Uniting for Peace'" of the General Assembly of November 1950 (Resolution 377(V)) if, there is a "negative vote" of the "permanent member" since the "Security Council" fails to act. In the event of a "threat of peace", a "break of peace" or "an attack", this can take place. In "consideration" of "proposing joint steps" to ensure "peace & stability" at the "international level" the General Assembly can take the issue.

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major war-time conference that led to the formation of the UnitedNations


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