Attempt both questions
All questions carry equal marks
(Write your Name and Roll No. on each page of your answer sheet.)
Attempt any one of the following. In around so words with detailed references
to the text
(a) Compare the character of Anita Satpute, in the article Sole Provider. Lonely
Warrior' with that of Saroj Chawla in the short story A Mother's Decision
(b) Write a detailed character sketch of Roop Singh, in 'The Leader of Men', with
special reference to the title of the story. What does the narrator think about him?
Q.2.(a) You have been at home for almost three months; ever since the lockdown because
of the Corona virus. Write a letter to your friend, describing your feelings and
observations about what is happening around you. (400 words)
(b) Write an essay, in around 400 words, comparing the life of a student in an open
learning institution with that of a student in a regular college.
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I don't think I know about
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