English, asked by TbiaSamishta, 11 months ago

Attempt either Part (A) or Part (B)
Answer the following questions in 120‒150 words:
Part (A)
Attempt a character sketch of Anne Frank.
Attempt a character sketch of Otto Frank, Anne's father.
Part (B)
Attempt a character sketch of Mr. Gilman as a teacher.
It was her determination that helped Helen Keller get admission to Radcliffe College. Comment.


Answered by navyakishore2000

Admission to Radcliffe College was not an easy affair, but Helen’s perseverance and determination paved her way to success. She refused to believe that she was not eligible to gain admission into the prestigious college. She faced many difficulties along the way, the first among them being not having all her books embossed to begin the classes in time; she did not have all the necessary apparatus as well. She needed special instructions for the classes which even her childhood teacher Miss Sullivan was not able to provide her with. These difficulties weighed down on her self-esteem, forcing her to feel dejected and helpless. But she did not give up; she took it all in her stride and worked with renewed enthusiasm. She believed in herself and worked harder to complete her studies.

Answered by Secondman

The character sketch of Anne Frank:

Anne frank was a diarist born at Germany, in the year 1929 to the parents “Otto Frank” and “Edith Frank”.

She lived in Amsterdam, being born in Frankfurt and when she was ""four and a half"" years old, the Nazis conquered Germany, therefore, the Franks became victims of the holocaust.

Frank lost her German Citizenship as a result of the persecutors and very soon Frank's family was transported to ""concentration camps"".

After some months, frank died due to an infectious disease at a very young age of fifteen.

The reason for us to know about ""Anne Frank"" and her sorrowful life is because of the diary Frank maintained.

The dairy was discovered after her death later in the year 1952.

It was published as “the diary of a young girl”, since then the book served as the content for various plays and movies. Wherever the character appears, there will be a poignant emotion in the viewers' heart.

At that young age a girl was able to control her mind even in such a pathetic situation that Frank and her family was.

Frank had to undergo all the torment which a small child can never afford to and this dramatic experience makes her epitome of sacrifice indeed.


A character sketch of ""Mr. Gilman as a teacher"".

""Mr Gilman"" was the principal of ""Cambridge school"".

He was a warm, intelligent, and thoughtful person.

He always helped Helen in her studies. During her examinations, Gilman used to read out the questions in the paper using manual alphabet and also read the answers she had written in the paper so that she can correct the mistakes.

With the help of Gilman, Helen completed all her examinations without any others help.

He allowed Helen's sister to join Cambridge school, so that they both can enjoy studying.

This shows that Mr Gilman is a lovable person.

He thought Helen is overworked, so he decided to have five years of study for Helen.

But, her teacher Miss.

Sullivan's thought is against this, that Helen needed four year of study for joining college.

Because of this difference of opinion, Helen's mother withdrew from her.

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