Autobiography of a boat
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Probably my master had not heard those footsteps because he was a human and noise traveled through air for him. They were sinking but their love would always be alive. I have seen the ruthless face of nature before a lot of times but this was nothing compared to what I have seen before. The great advantage is that you can collect an awful lot of data for very low cost Sailbuoys can be fitted with sensors to measure waves, ocean salinity and oxygen levels; echo sounders to look for fish eggs and larvae; or transmitters to communicate with undersea equipment.
In ancient marine times, people used raftslogs of bamboo, bundles of reeds, air filled animal skins and asphalt covered baskets to traverse small water bodies. These ships were wider and had a more advanced mast stepping design. The forward end of a boat is called the bowthe aft end the stern.
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