English, asked by Flowersandflowers, 11 months ago

Autobiography of a table


Answered by Asifgenius

hey mate,

your question:

auto biography of a table


Autobiography of a Table

It was a long time ago when I was bought by my old owner. I have been handed over to two generations. Now I am 116 years old. I was bought by my old owner when I was just three days old. The shop owner of The Shop Woodland in England bragged about me that I was made up of finest rose wood trees in the whole of England. He made an offer of rupees seven hundred. But the buyer did not agree and reduced it to a bargain price of five hundred. Both started debating on the price of me and finally it was decided to the price of six hundred.

Then I was held by a wealthy viceroy of India, who took me to a harbour where there was a ship powered by steam with the size of the Taj Mahal, with other furnitures, bicycles, printers, some complicated machines and gigantic piano. We travelled the seven seas and reached our destination, India! It was a large city, on the board nearby it was written BOMBAY. We travelled to the places where our owners lived. It was quite a bumpy journey as I had a scratch on my third leg.

When I reached the palace, I saw many chandeliers, chairs, tables, sofas, animal heads, from which one of them was of a cheetah. But the most special thing was the tiger fur on the floor near the big country sofa.

It was all great until I met my two nemeses, my rival and water. Let me tell you first about my rival, as we both were made on the first day together. I knew that we were made to be rivals, the owner said to my owner that my rival was the only table he made that can rival my finest carving structure and my wood. He was also made of rosewood but it was not the finest. We moved our faces from each other at the first sight but by some sort of bad luck, he was placed beside me in the study room. Servant moving some items on me and on him. After all this was done, a while later came the best part for me. The viceroy’s black cat and its gang, on citing my rival, in an instant came running towards him and started fighting. I was already owned by the black cat as he has claimed me to be his; the black cat stayed out of the fight. The others fought until they started clawing on each other. Finally the fight finished with a lot of scratches on him that he was not in a mood of fighting, he was about to loose his shine, luckily for him servants came in, fixed him which made him look as new. My owner was happy to see that the servants took good care of us from the cats.

Now comes my second nemeses – Water! The ultimate nemeses for all of us – tables, chairs, pianos and other cousins and brothers. By the time I was three years old, but my master and my servant had taken utmost care to protect me from the cats and water.

One day unfortunately a glass of water was kept on me. That very time came the black cat chased by a brown cat who had been fighting for the leadership seat. Me! They came running there and found me. They argued with each other for long and my rival had been moved elsewhere; else the brown cat would have claimed him to be his.

Then started the big problem. They fought with each other and came running towards me and spilling the water, thus making me wet. I suddenly started absorbing water and felt myself expanding. A good thing was that, my owner heard the glass dropping and came to my rescue. Hearing my owner running, the cat ran away from the scene immediately. My owner’s servant came and lifted me up and placed me in a huge garden filled with flowers trees insects etc. Soon I felt as if I was shrinking to my normal size. Later I found myself in my place where my owner was scolding and asking who spilled water on me, while the cats argued and blamed it on each other. After that incident, none of the cat were allowed in the living room, feeling all safe with my master.

Right now I am with my owner’s great grandson and sadly my owner passed away. Now I am happy that I am serving my new owner well as he right now drinks a cup of coffee with his family and friends. My rival is raging and puffed about not using him instead of me.


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