Hindi, asked by rituraj8, 1 year ago

Autobiography of bench in marathi


Answered by abhi695
I am a very old desk. I have a long life history. It is full of happy as well as sad moments. There came times when I was happy and sometimes I was upset too.

Initially, I was just a log. I was cut along with a lot of other trees. Then we were loaded in a huge truck and taken to a factory, where we were given shape and made into huge desks. We were painted all over and were smelling of new paint. We were shining and looking very good. Then again we were loaded in a truck. This time we were taken to a large building which was the biggest school in our city.

Answered by Priatouri

मी एक खंडपीठ आहे I मी अद्याप 9 वर्षांचा आहे I मी एका शाळेत राहतो I लहान मुले माझ्यावर बसतात I माझ्यावर चित्र काढत आहेत जे मला खूप आवडते, परंतु एका मुलाने माझ्यावर एक किल्ला ठेवला आहे, एक खेळ. हा किल्ला माझ्याद्वारे खूप बांधला गेला आहे I ज्यामुळे मला नेहमीच वेदना जाणवतात I मी आशा करतो की भविष्यात कोणीतरी येईल आणि त्यांचे लोकस माझ्यापासून काढून घेईल आणि मी आयुष्यात आराम करीन मी जगू शकतो का I

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