Hindi, asked by tanishkabhosale0923, 8 months ago

autobiography of river


Answered by bhavana708


river is filled of water it has large amount of water

it gives water to drink

it helps to clean utensils

it hepls to bath

it helps to wash clothes

Answered by Breezywind

“A river cuts through rock, not because of its power, but because of its persistence.” ~ James N. Watkins

If you ask me what my age is, I’m sure I couldn’t give you an exact number. I am a river. I am the source of fresh water that starts high from the mountains and finally flows to merge into a sea or an ocean. I have seen big and small dinosaurs, and I have seen short and long wars. I have seen humans worship me, and I have seen the same humans pollute me. Today I am opening up my heart to you. I am pouring my feelings and telling you my story.

I started my journey from a glacier in the mystical Himalayas. All around me was snow as far as the eye could see. I could spot the Himalayan Wild Yak, the Musk Deer and the Snow Leopard. They were massive beasts with lots of furs and looked ferocious. I was scared when I saw them coming towards me, but I soon learnt that they needed me to live and did not mean to cause any harm to me.

Over the years, their population started dwindling. I wonder what the reason was. Maybe it is true what they say about animal hunters. What a nightmare! Going further, I took a drastic fall and flowed towards a downward path, thus giving rise to a waterfall. I could notice certain humans near me. They were known as monks. They used to sit peacefully meditating, while my cold water fell on their heads and their whole body.

I flowed through mountains and valleys. I loved the scenic beauty. It felt so much like home. There were so many trees around me, and hundreds of various types of animals would come to me to quench their thirsts.

There were some people also who lived in the great mountains. It felt as if wherever I went, life started growing. The mountain people were so hardworking. They would walk long distances, collect my water in their big buckets and then walk back home.



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