English, asked by virendrasingh1361, 1 year ago

Autobiography on currency


Answered by rsultana331


My name is 10 rupees, I am the most modern form of 10 rupees circulated all over India. I have Tiger, Elephant and Rhino behind my back.But I have been born in an era wherin my value isn't worth I am often known as Chutta paise in most of the northern part of India and Chillara Kaas in southern India

To my shocking experience was when I came to know that Beggars in city like Mumbai and Delhi demand for me "That was the most devastating truth about me". Over my entire life I've been mostly in hands of beggars, rickshaw/ auto drivers, bus conductors who suffocate me inside their smelly bags and Pan Tapri's where young and old exchange me to have a puff of cigarette they like to.

Throughout my life I made many friends of my own denomination and 20 rs, 50rs, 100 rs friends few and only one friend of 500 rs, 1000rs don't ask me about them they are very rude and full of attitude I am happy I dont have ant friend of 1000rs.

When I was printed and new I thought I am gonna live forever but My elders told me that a life of 10 rs is most likely to be between 2-3 yrs I am one and half old without much damages.

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