Biology, asked by MohammedAmir735, 1 year ago

Autotrophs and heterotrophs differences and similarities 0


Answered by kirtisingh01


Explanation: autotrophs can make their food from own substance .

It is the characteristics of green plants.The green plant contain chlorophyll.

These plants are able to trap the solar energy with the help of chlorophyll and manufacture their food by using simple inorganic materials from the nature.

This process is called photosynthesis and such organisms is called autotrophs and the mode of nutrition is called autotrophic nutrition.

Rhe autotrophs are of 2 kind :

1. Photoautotrophs

2. Chemoautotrophs

Heterotroph cannot synthesize their food. Animals have no chlorophyll , hence they cannot synthesize their food.

They obtain energy from food either directly from plants consuming them or in directly by eating other animals which eat plants.

So animals are regarded as heterotroph and their mode of nutrition is called heterotrophic nutrition.

They are of following types :

1 . Holozoic nutrition

2. Saprophytic nutrition

3. Parasitic nutrition

Answered by jahanvi38

Answer: Autotrophs : Plants that produce their own food are known autotrophs (auto means self and trophs means food ) but heterotrophs are food level next to autotrophs they do not produce their own food but gets nourished by feeding on other source ( heterotrophs means differently nourished )


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