"Autumn Fire" by Robert Louis Stevenson summary
very good poem
the poet describes
As it’s coming up to the first day of Autumn – my favourite season – it seems only appropriate that today’s poem’s subject follows suit. There’s not so much to read into with this one, it’s simply a gorgeous tangle of imagery of the transition of the seasons; the transition from summer to autumn. Stevenson draws a beautiful parallel between the season of Autumn and a blazing fire; ‘the autumn bonfires.’ It’s as if ‘all the summer flowers’ have been set alight and burned to the crispness of the leaves in Autumn, in all the shades of red, orange and yellow; a flickering flame. The grass beneath the trees are covered by these leaves like flames that lick the green grass and sets the blades burning. This poem fills me with excitement for the Autumn and the parallels drawn to fire can be taken in the literal sense with the days beginning to chill as we close in on October. The time for knits and mittens grows nearer, and I wish you all a very happy and fiery Autumn.