English, asked by narasimharohith7508, 1 year ago

Availability of water decreasing day by day ground water level is decreasing how will it affect our lives if their situation continuous discuss the preventive measures & responsibility


Answered by jenlib
Here's the answer

Ground water level is decreasing day by day. Water is essential for a man to survive in the world.

How will it affect our lives?
-->Without water one cannot do anything.
--> One cannot wash themselves, one cannot drinking water, one cannot cook food, one cannot wash vessels etc.
-->If there are lack of water, farmers cannot grow crops.

Preventive measures & responsibilities
-->Water should not be wasted unwantedly.
-->Everyone must save rain water by the plan Rain water saving
-->Government must take preventive measures to save water in advance when there is rain.

Hope this helps you :)

Answered by Anonymous

Groundwater is located below the earth surface. Over time water from rain and river migrate through the land and gets stored in the soils. This groundwater is now, which has been getting accumulated for years has become the main source especially for agriculture and domestic use. The tremendous usage of it has reduced the groundwater level.

Effects of groundwater depletion are:

1. The depletion will force the humans to go deeper within the earth and as a result, the future generation would be facing an acute water crisis.

2. Water bodies will become shallower and will hit the aquatic life.

3. Lack of groundwater effects the biodiversity.

4. Shortage of food, as the agricultural process would be hit by the shortage of water.

Preventive measures:

1. Less use of water, meaning the wastage of water while doing household chores, etc. must be reduced.

2. Addressing the alternative sources and letting aquifers to be refilled.

3. The pumping of groundwater must be regulated.

4. The government should frame groundwater policies and norms should be made stringent.


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