Biology, asked by sadiyaansari002230, 4 days ago

avian diversity of basai wetland haryana (india) read the pdf carefully and write abstract.​


Answered by nathpratima16

avian diversity of basai wetland haryana (india) read the avian diversity of basai wetland haryana (india) read the avian diversity of basai wetland haryana (india) read the pdf carefully and write abstract. carefully and write abstract. diversity of basai wetland haryana (india) read the pdf carefully and write abstract. carefully and write abstract.

Answered by polinati


AVIAN DIVERSITY OF BASAI WETLANDS, HARYANA (INDIA) : AN IBA SITEDeepak Rai, Girish Chopra, Rakesh Gulia* and Parveen VatsAnimal Behaviour & Wildlife Conservation Laboratory, Department of Zoology, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra-136 119, India.*e-mail : [email protected](Accepted 18 August 2016)ABSTRACT : The avian diversity of Basai Wetlands (an IBA site) was studied from October, 2015 to June, 2016. Basai Wetandsis located at 28°292 N and 76°592 E in the Gurgaon (now Gurugram) district of Haryana, close to Delhi, and is among one ofthe five IBAs of Haryana. Results revealed a total of 128 species of birds belonging to 15 orders and 37 families. The orderPasseriformes was found to be dominant, consisting of 12 families and 40 species, while among the families; family Anatidaewas dominant with 15 species from order Anseriformes.Out of the 128 species of birds, 79 species were Resident (R), 45 wereWinter Migrant (WM) and 4 were Summer Migrant (SM). According to the IUCN Red List version 3.1, 7 species were NearThreatened (NT), 4 species were Vulnerable (VU) and 2species were Endangered (EN). Various stress factors were observed inand around the study site which are responsible for habitat degradation, habitat fragmentation and habitat destruction. For longterm management of this crucial IBA site of Haryana, proper action plan and regulation strategies are needed.Key words : Fallow lands, IBAs, habitat fragmentation, wetlands.INTRODUCTIONWetlands are important ecosystems appreciated forproviding quality and abundant habitats for avifaunalpopulations throughout the year and thus a considerablenumber of wetlands are declared as IBAs (ImportantBird and Biodiversity Areas) by BirdLife International.IBAs include sites used for breeding, wintering, and/ormigrating purpose by birds. Of the 1340 bird speciesreported from India (Ali and Ripley, 1987), about 23%bird species are known to be dependent on wetlands(Kumar et al, 2005). Monitoring of the wetland birdsprovides valuable information on the ecological health andstatus of wetlands and this information can be used as avital tool for developing awareness regarding theconservation value of the wetlands.Wetland avifauna actsas indicators of wetland quality, and parameters forassessing restoration success and regional biodiversity(Kumar and Gupta, 2009). Wetlands in India are undertremendous pressure due to various anthropogenicactivities such as reclamation, deforestation and extensiveconcrete construction (Kler, 2002; Verma et al, 2004).The birds are very sensitive to such activities and dorespond by changes in species composition and density.Unfortunately the impacts of these changes on birdcommunity composition; structure and diversity are yetto be fully understood. It should however be rememberedthat the failure to understand the consequence of changesin these natural habitats on wetland biodiversity is likelyto increase the human pressure on wetland naturalresources including birds (Bibby et al, 2000).In recent years many workers have done studiesrelatedto the avian diversity of wetlands in India (Harvey,2003; Urfi, 2003; Sisodia andMoundiotiya, 2005; Guptaand Kaushik, 2008; Kumar and Gupta, 2009; Pawar etal, 2010; Gupta and Kaushik, 2011; Joshi and Shrivastava,2012; Chopra et al, 2012; Chopra et al, 2013; Patil andHiragond, 2013; Harney, 2015; Kumar et al, 2016). BasaiWetlands (an IBA site) supports resident birds throughoutthe year, while acting as a refuge to the migratory birdsduring the winter season. But in recent years there hasbeen a rapid increase in the urbanization around this site.So, keeping in view the ecological importance of BasaiWetlands,the present study was planned with an objectiveto monitor and document the diversity and conservationalstatus of avifauna of this site.MATERIALS AND METHOD

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