Avnish Tripathi started his journey from Lucknow to Delhi at 10 am by car. Ajeet Pandey also started his journey from Delhi to Lucknow at the same time by a car which is 12 km/h faster. After 9/2 hours the
distance between them is 29 km. Find the speed with which each car is travelling, if the distance between
Lucknow and Delhi is 497 km
Step-by-step explanation:
Given that,
Speed of pandey's car = 12 km/hr
Suppose, the distance between from lucknow to delhi is 720 km. The speed of avnish's car is 15 km/hr. What will be the time, when avnish and ajeet will be reached to delhi and lucknow?
We need to calculate the time of tripathi's car
Using formula of speed
Put the value into the formula
t=48\ hrt=48 hr
Tripathi will reached to lucknow in two days.
We need to calculate the time of pandey's car
Using formula of speed
Where, v = speed of car
t = time
d = distance
Put the value into the formula
t=60\ hrt=60 hr
Ajeet will reached to delhi in two days 12 hours.
Hence, Tripathi will reached to lucknow in two days.
Ajeet will reached to delhi in two days 12 hours.
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