English, asked by khananaaya81, 27 days ago

B (1) Complete the paragraph with noun forms of these words
(avail, respond, interpret, consider, consistent, decide, legal, loyal, significant

Although scientists look for some______in their results, the_______is not always to their________Either they misread the______of the results or go wrong in their_________.Sometimes
they are not even sure of the__________of these aspects often disappoint them and based on the__________of good options, today, they take a________to switch
their________from research to a job in a MNC that they find more rewarding.


Answered by ayushsagar882004


Although scientists look for some______in their results, the_______is not always to their________Either they misread the______of the results or go wrong in their_________.Sometimes

they are not even sure of the__________of these aspects often disappoint them and based on the__________of good options, today, they take a________to switch

their________from research to a job in a MNC that they find more rewarding.

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