1. Bang two hard objects and there you have it ! __________
2. For better or for worse. They are with each other always. ______________
3. By its inihal sound you are reminded of the first day of the week and the routine ahead. ___________
4. It is never separate or one after other always together. __________
1.Bang two hard objects and there you have it ! __________See synonyms for: bang / banged / banging on
2.Just think about the meaning of the words in our wedding vows—“for better or for worse . . . in plenty and in want . . . in joy and in sorrow . . .in sickness and in health . . . as long as we both shall live.” What a commitment we make in that moment of time, with “God and these witnesses” listening! Are these just empty words of tradition, or do they represent a genuine promise of commitment? The longevity and quality of your marriage depends upon it!
We use each other and one another to show that each person in a group of two or more people does something to the others. There is very little difference between each other and one another and we can normally use them in the same places. Each other is more common than one another:
4.Rick and Gina never liked each other. (Rick never liked Gina and Gina never liked Rick.)
Everyone in the family gave each other presents. (Each member of the family gave each member of the family a present.)
How’s Maria? Do you see her often?
She’s great. We phone each other/one another regularly.
We use each other’s and one another’s as possessive determiners:
Lisa and Kate hated each other’s husbands. (Lisa hated Kate’s husband and Kate hated Lisa’s husband.)
My friend Olivia and I know very little about one another’s work.