English, asked by utkarsh2148, 7 months ago

B. Answer these questions.
1. Where do you think the poet and children are?
2. What 'echoes' and 'memories' does the poet speak of?
3. Which line in the poem refers to a change in the season?
4. What images does the poet use to convey his thoughts?
5. Do you think that the poem has a dreamy quality to it? Give reasons for your answer.​


Answered by HabilWings

Question 1.

What made James Herriot expect a call from Mrs Pumphrey?


James Herriot’s encounter with Mrs Pumphrey and Tricki made him expect a call for help. He was sure that the extra diet and no physical activity would soon put Tricki’s health in danger. And just as anticipated, Mrs Pumphrey called the vet a few days afterwards.

Question 2.

What ‘extra’ did Mrs Pumphrey start to give Tricki and why?


Mrs Pumphrey thought that Tricki was suffering from malnutrition, as he was weak and listless. So, she started to give him extra snacks like cod-liver oil and malt between the main meals and Horlicks after dinner to make him stronger. She aslo continued his cream cakes and chocolates.

Question 3.

What made Mrs Pumphrey call the vet?


Tricki’s condition made Mr» Pumphrey call the vet for help. Tricki had become fat and lazy. He just used to lie on his rug and pant. He also refused to eat food, even his favourite dishes. His bouts of vomiting added to Mrs Pumphrey’s worry. That is why, she called James Herriot.

Question 4.

How can you say that it was hard for Mrs Pumphrey to part with her doting pet?


Mrs Pumphrey treated Tricki as her own child. She loved him very much. It was very difficult for her to see Tricki in such a situation. She was distraught when she had to make the decision to hospitalise Tricki, for her love for him knew no bounds. It was a terrible and tearful moment for her but she agreed to Herriot’s suggestion for the betterment of her pet.

Question 5.

What kind of treatment was given to Tricki? Did it help in his recovery?


Tricki was given a non-medicinal treatment. His diet regimen was altered depending upon his body’s response to it. He was kept on liquid diet for the first two days and then his diet was gradually increased. Yes, this treatment did help Tricki as it built up energy in him. He had transformed to an energetic, hard-muscled dog in just a fortnight.

Question 6.

Was Tricki suffering from any ailment in reality? If not, then what made him inactive and lethargic?


No, Tricki was not suffering from any ailment. It was his greed for food and the love of his mistress that spoilt his health to such an extent. He was being overfed everyday and that made him obese and lethargic. That is why his health showed rapid improvement when his diet was controlled.

Question 7.

Briefly describe Herriot’s days of content.


The time of Tricki’s stay at the hospital was a period of content for Herriot. He used to enjoy the treat that arrived in the name of Tricki, as he could not afford all this for himself. Herriot used to relish the fresh eggs in breakfast, wine before and during lunch and brandy in the night.

Question 8.

Do you think Tricki was enjoying his stay at the hospital?


Yes, Tricki was definitely enjoying his stay at the hospital. He had befriended the gang of shabby household dogs. He had found a new joy in being bowled over, trampled on and squashed. He had also become very energetic. He used to play and run all day long with the dogs. He was having a great time.

Answered by Anonymous

1. Where do you think the poet and children are?

Answer- I think the poet and the children are sitting near to each other listening to the poet and his tales.

2. What 'Echoes 'and 'memories' does the poet speak of?

Answer- the poet remembers the happy times when the children were young full of bubbling happiness curiosity eagerness to listen to the magical stories of A Wonderland that he created for them.

3. Which line in the poem refers to a change in the season?

Answer -' Autumn frost have slain July'.

4. What images does the poet use to convey his thoughts?

The poet uses the image of a Boat drifting lazily in the stream on a warm July evening and of children nestling near to hear the stories.

5. Do you think that the poem has a dreamy quality to it give reason for your answer.

Answer - yes the poem does have a dreamy quality to it .It is more of reminiscences thenactual events the image of a Boat drifting in the stream on a summer evening lazy dream like quality.

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