b.: c) Write a dialogue between two friends of minimum 3 meaningful exchanges on „importance of watching television“.
Meena and Rita are travelling home by bus. On the way they are having a conversation on the importance of watching television.
Meena (M): Will you come for a walk this evening?
Rita(R): I don't think so. I am going to watch my favourite serial 'Glimpses of India'.
M: Your mother allows you to watch television?
R: Why won't she, television increases our knowledge and outlook. For example this serial, 'Glimpses of India' is from Pandit Nehru's famous book of the same name. I can learn our History from it.
M: You are right. I too watch a lot of informative programs on television. BBC Earth and Epic are my favourite channels.I learnt so much of the Mahabharatha from the Epic channel.
R: Television creates awareness. I have become quite aware of the Corona Virus and the measures of how to prevent it.
M: Me too. I hate Civics but the Television helps me get through it as everyone in my family watches the News-regional, national and international and I get to learn a lot of things from it.
R: So the television is by no means the Idiot Box as many call it.
M: Definitely not. It is the Mitochondria of knowledge. My stop has come. Bye.
R: Bye.