Math, asked by doondy, 7 months ago

b. Determine the current flowing in each branch of the following circuit given that 1 =
5, 2 = 5, 3 = 1, 4 = 6, 5 = 4, 6 = 2, () = 20 by applying Gauss Seidel method
up to three iterations.


Answered by TheBrainlyKing1

Step-by-step explanation:

Gauss–Seidel method is an improved form of Jacobi method, also known as the successive displacement method.


7.2. 2 Gauss–Seidel or Successive Displacement Method.

Jacobi Method Gauss–Seidel Method

( u 4 ) step 1 = ( 15 + 5 u 3 ) 5 = 3 + u 3 = 3 ( u 4 ) step 1 = [ 15 + 5 ( u 3 ) step 1 ] 5 = 3 + ( u 3 ) step 1 = 3

Answered by 2210030205

Step-by-step explanation:


Determine the current flowing in each branch of the following circuit using Gauss Seidel method upto four iterations.


Let i1 , i2 and i3 be the flow of current in each branch of the circuit and flow of current in each branch is in anti clockwise direction it is shown in the figure.

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