English, asked by leezaparkar, 8 months ago

B) Develop a story:
on a story in 80-100 words with the following beginning....
Give a suitable title:
It was raining heavily that day...


Answered by NavyaSehrawat


Title=> A mysterious weekend


It was raining heavily that day and when the rain stopped we decided to go for when a weekend trip with my 2 best frnds. We were in a mood of full enjoyment that day. We spent our whole day playing games, listening music, enjoying the nature and much more. We were just as like small kids who enjoyed their day very much. Recently, it started raining again and also started becoming dark, but we all decided to stay there for that night but later on we realized that we were not having any camp/tents where we could spend our night. We were in the car searching for a suitable place to spend the night in. When suddenly my friend spotted a huge house in front of the car and we decided to go and have a check there. Luckily, there was an old man who looked very gentle and greeted us with all the things he had. We asked him whether we could spend the night there. And he agreed and leaded us to the guest room. But all the while i was wondering that the old man remained sitting on that chair all that while, he even didn't moved a little. Then, next day when we woke up we saw that the room in which we slept was like a very old place. We were amazed by this view. Then we went to the old man. But later on we were completely shocked about what has happened. The old man was nothing more than a skeleton. We shockingly ran from that house and came back to our homes. It was really a mysterious weekend for me.

Answered by phillipinestest

The ghost biker

It was raining heavily that day. There was no trace of sunlight. The roads were flooded.  Sunil had to go out. It was his first day at office.  He set out worriedly. There was no vehicles plying.  His office was forty kilometres away.

Trotting he splashed the water on the road.  

He had walked over an hour. He was on the brink of exhaustion and was about to faint when suddenly a bike stopped by. The rider asked him his destination in a muffled voice and offered him a lift. Sunil felt God had send him His angel.

Sunil had a safe ride. The rider dropped him at the door of his office.  He could not thank him enough.  

Sunil offered his hand for a hand shake. The rider was a little hesitant.  He finally took off his glove.  But oh! There was no hand. Sunil was aghast. As he tried to peep through the rider's helmet he found no face. Ever since nobody has heard of Sunil.

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