English, asked by duttalangpi19, 2 months ago

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct pronouns.
1. This horse is a splendid animal. It is loyal and brave.
2. Garima is here. She arrived a few minutes ago.
3. Tina's sister left early. Tina could not meet her
4. Annie, I spoke to Arif. should speak totoo.
5. My brother and I went to the zoo. Our sister didn't go with
6. Rehana and Rema will sing at the show. are excellent singers. her
Change the underlined words to pronouns.
1. Jack met Ms Gogoi in the park.
2. Gopa saw Meera and me.
3. Ravi left his books on the table.
4. Jassi put the shirt in his suitcase.
5. Amir gave the boy a box of chocolates.​


Answered by keshavjha0607

Note: There are no blanks given in the B and C question.


1.That and it


3.No pronouns


5.My, I and Our


In the question C there can no pronouns be used in these types of sentences.

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