CBSE BOARD XII, asked by preritmasih, 1 year ago

(b) If the loss before interest for the year amounted to 37,500
(Ans. Case (a) Share of Loss A1 .200: B 1.800 and C 3,000;
Case (b) Share of Loss A *4.200: B 6.300 and C 310,500:1
onts and losses equally on
18,00,000, 36,00.000 and 20.0
0. 17. A, B and Care partners in a firm sharing profits and losses en
April, 2018 their fixed capitals were 18.00.000, 36,00,00
respectively. On 1st October 2018, A advanced 1,00,000 to the lim
a loan of 1,50,000 from the firm on the same date. It was agreed a
that will pay interest @ 10% p.a.
Profit for the year ended 31st March, 2019 amounted to
or charging interest on loans. Pass journal entries for interest
Current Accounts of the partners.
V to the firm whereas
s agreed among the pure
ounted to 4.20.000 before 2
interest on loans and per


Answered by nirajan987




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