Computer Science, asked by uditworld2955, 10 months ago

b)It refers to the reference point for the graphics.
i) cell referencing ii) page alignment iii) anchoring


Answered by khushbuv937

AProperties will vary depending on reference points that are specified free, driving, hosted, or adaptive. The following instance properties include all possible properties:

Name Description


Work Plane For driving points only, the plane hosting the point.


Show Reference Planes Specifies when the point's reference planes are visible: Always, When Selected, or Never.

Visibility/Graphics Overrides Click Edit to display the Visibility/Graphics Overrides dialog for the reference point. See Visibility and Graphic Display in Project Views.

Show Normal Reference Plane Only For hosted and driving reference points, specifies whether only the reference plane perpendicular to the geometry of the host will be visible.

Visible When selected, the reference point will be visible when the mass is loaded into a project. It is also important to note that reference points must not be hidden by either Category or Visibility/Graphics Override settings if they are to be viewed in the project.


Driving Curve(s)  

When selected, the reference point is the driving point of one or more lines. Moving this point modifies geometry. When cleared, this parameter is read-only and the reference point is no longer a driving point.

Driven by Host  

When selected, the reference point is a hosted point that moves along its hosted geometry. When cleared, this parameter is read-only and the reference point is no longer a hosted point.

Measurement Type  

Available for points hosted on lines and form edges. Hosted Adaptive Component placement points inherit these measurement type parameters which are exposed in both project and conceptual massing environments.

Either Non-Normalized Curve Parameter, Normalized Curve Parameter, Segment Length, Normalized Segment Length, Chord Length, or Angle, depending on the line type. Specifies the measurement type for the location of the selected hosted reference point.

Non-Normalized Curve Parameter  

Identifies the location of the reference point along a circle or ellipses. It is also known as raw, natural, internal, or T parameter.

This parameter displays if Non-Normalized Curve Parameter is selected as the Measurement Type.

Normalized Curve Parameter  

Identifies the location of the reference point on the line as a ratio of the line length over the total length of the line. Its value can vary from 0 to 1.

This parameter displays if Normalized Curve Parameter is selected as the Measurement Type.

Segment Length  

Identifies the location of the reference point on a line by the length of the line segment between the reference point and the measure-from end point. Segment Length is represented in project units.

This parameter displays if Segment Length is selected as the Measurement Type.

Normalized Segment Length  

Identifies the location of the reference point on the line as a ratio of the Segment Length over the total length of the curve (0 to 1). For example, if total curve length is 170', and point is located 17' from one of its ends, the value of the % curve length will be either 0.1 or 0.9 depending from which end you are measuring.

This parameter displays if Normalized Segment Length is selected as the Measurement Type.

Chord Length Identifies the location of the reference point on the curve by the straight line (chord) distance between the reference point and the measure-from end point. Chord Length is represented in project units.

Note: On Bezier splines and circles, the position of the reference point may move if the Measure From parameter is toggled in the Properties palette or with the flip arrows in the drawing area.

This parameter displays if Chord Length is selected as the Measurement Type.


Available for points hosted on arcs and circles.

Identifies the location of the reference point along an arc or circle represented as an angle.

This parameter displays if Angle is selected as the Measurement Type. It is not available for ellipses or partial ellipses.

Measure From  

Available for points hosted on lines and form edges.

Either Beginning or End. Specifies the end of a curve from which the selected reference point location is measured. Alternatively, you can use the flip controls in the drawing area adjacent to the reference point to specify either end.

Hosted U Parameter  

Available for points hosted on surfaces.

The location of the reference point along the U grid. The parameter is a distance in project units from the center of the surface. This applies only to reference points hosted on a surface.

Hosted V Parameter  

Available for points hosted on surfaces.

The location of the reference point along the V grid. The parameter is a distance in project units of the surface.

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