बाल्कन क्षेत्र किस प्रकार घोर विवाद के क्षेत्र के रूप में उभरा?
Here is the answer in english according to ncert
The Balkan states were fiercely jealous of each other and each hoped to gain more territory at the expense of the others.
2. The Balkans was a region of geographical and ethnic variation comprising modern-day Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Greece, Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Slovenia, Serbia and Montenegro whose inhabitants were broadly known as the Slavs. As the different Slavic nationalities struggled to define their identity and independence, the Balkan area became an area of intense conflict.
3. A large part of Balkans were under the Ottoman Empire. The downfall of the Ottoman Empire and the spread of he ideas of nationalism created tension and conflict.
4. The Balkans based their claims for independence of political rights on nationality and used history to prove that they had once been independent but had been subjugated by foreign power. Hence, the rebellious nationalities in the Balkans thought of their struggles as their attempts to win back their long lost independence which converted the region into a battle ground.