(b) List any two values
Q3. 'Scientific Management means knowing exactly what you want men to do and seeing that they do it in the
cheapest way.' Taylor developed varlous techniques for application or scienand management principles and was able
to achieve a three-fold increase in productivity in Bethlehem steel company where he worked. One of the
technique help to determine the number of workers to be employed iframe suitable incentives schemes and
determine labour costs. Another technique recognize those workers who are able to accomplish the fair day's work
and is based on the premise that efficiency in the result of joint efforts of the managers and the workers. Quoting
lines from the above paragraph , Identify and explain the two types of techniques of scientific management.
Answered by
Answer: functional foremanship : the work men have to take orders of 8 foreman to work effectively in factory level. 'One of the
technique help to determine the number of workers to be employed iframe suitable incentives schemes and
determine labour costs. '
'Another technique recognize those workers who are able to accomplish the fair day's work
and is based on the premise that efficiency in the result of joint efforts of the managers and the workers.'
Differential piece wage system: this helps in differentiate between efficient and inefficient worker and reward them accordingly and mental revolution helps in cooperation of workers and management.
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