English, asked by janviyadav913, 8 months ago

B. Long ago________ a hardworking bee_______ toiled from flower to flower to collect nectar-_______made
honey in its hive-_________worried someone might steal honey_________bee went to God Jupiter_________ took
some honey for him ________ Jupiter was pleased with the bee- granted it one wish________bee wanted
a sting to kill anyone who tried to steal its honey________Jupiter shocked to hear this_____angrily
granted the wish_______ but the sting would not kill just that person________it would kill the bee as


Answered by salmaansaari0711


I don't understand for your question

Answered by mymoon3413

i thing it would be best to search in Google instead of searching here because u didn't give option to us if we would help u . sorry for this irrelevant answer for your question

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