English, asked by nv154828, 9 months ago

b)miss joseph -Give a brief character -sketch of​


Answered by sethumadhav89


miss joseph is an artist and onces up on time there was a billioner came to that country and he like the painting so much and somebody told that miss joseph paints an beautiful paintings so thats why that billioner gave a brief charecter to paint .. and sketch of monalisa paintings and the miaa joseph painted an beautiful painiting .. he like so much and gave him a beautiful prize

Answered by saivinodpatil3


miss Joseph is one of the Senior girls in braithwaite's class . A natural leader, miss Joseph, along with Denham, is in charge of hosting The half year report of the students' council besides helping in the organization of the event, miss Joseph also ensures its Smooth Functioning , by Supervising the other students as they perform their assigned tasks, Thus displaying her leadership skills. She also delivers a short address outlining the purpose of the students' . Council activities . When it is the turn of braithwaite's class to present its report, it is Miss Joseph who Introduces a class' theme of the brotherhood and interdependency of mankind to the audience. She is confident by nature and delivers her report on Domestic Science with Utmost ease

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