ब्रीफ्लाई डिस्क्राइब डिफरेंट टाइप्स ऑफ इ कॉमर्स
Types of e-commerce
E-commerce can be divided into different typologies, according to purpose, platform, object and target group. The distinction according to target group of the e-commerce service is the most common, and there are several kinds, depending on the types of economic agents involved and the relation established: business to business (B2B), business to consumer (B2C), consumer to consumer (C2C), consumer to business (C2B), business to administration (B2A) and consumer to administration (C2A). Below we describe two of the most common relation types in more detail: B2C and B2B.
Business to consumer (B2C)
Business to consumer (B2C) is an e-commerce modality in which there is a relationship between a business and a buyer through a telecommunications network. The opportunity Internet provides to businesses to offer their products to a very large number of potential consumers, with comparatively low costs, makes B2C a growing modality.
Business to business (B2B)
Business to business (B2B) is the evolution of the business between businesses, now using the telecommunications network, to exploit the opportunities of globalization and interaction and reduction in the cost of this commerce through the Internet.