English, asked by cpptmzotlxyiaxgob, 7 months ago

B) Read the following passage and answer the question given below.

1.Forensic science uses scientific knowledge and methods to help determine the

cause of a crime or accident and identify criminals.

You may have seen television shows or movies in which a coroner uses forensic

science to determine the cause of death in a homicide. You may also have seen

fire investigators examine the scene of a fire to determine what started the blaze

and whether or not it is arson. Fingerprints may be taken to see whether they

match those of a suspect. All of this is part of forensic science.2.But forensic science involves much more. Forensic chemists work with the

tiniest bits of hair, skin, fibres from clothing or rugs, blood, or other materials that

the untrained eye might overlook. Sometimes, local forensic experts can examine

evidence and find the information they need. However, evidence often is sent to

one of several hundred crime labs around the United States and Canada. These

labs are fully equipped with the latest computerized testing equipment, such as

electron microscopes, and staffed with highly trained personnel who

examine evidence.

3. As time progresses, so does the accuracy of forensic science. Forensic scientists

can compare more than 30 characteristics of human tissue. A paint chip from a

car can identify the make of the car and perhaps the year it was manufactured.

The composition of water in the lungs of a drowning victim can narrow down the

site of the drowning. Charred documents from a fire can be analysed. Forgeries

can be distinguished from original works of art. Skeletons can be analysed and a

likeness of the person reconstructed. Blood, saliva, and other body fluids found

at the scene of a crime can be analysed for the unique DNA that cells contain.

4. Fingerprints are some of the most important and useful pieces of forensic

evidence collected by the forensic scientist. Individual prints are unique.

Fingerprint types are inherited, but exact patterns are not. Compare your prints

to those of your parents and siblings. No two persons’ fingerprints are alike, not

even identical twins. This fact allows a person’s fingerprints to be considered as

direct evidence for identification. Three main fingerprint patterns are found in

the human population—arch, loop, and whorl. Approximately 69% of all prints

are loops. The rarest type of fingerprint is the arch, The three types of

fingerprints are visible, impressions, and latent. If liquids, such as paint or

blood, are part of the crime scene, fingerprints may be visible. In this case, the

investigator photographs the prints and catalogs the photograph as part of the

evidence. More frequently, fingerprints are not visible. Impressions can become

visible if special

lighting techniques are used and only then the prints can be photographed.

Pick out the correct option. 1 x 7= 7

1. Forensic science

a. is a study of fingertips

b. uses examination of fingerprints, body fluids, human tissues, bones among

others to detect the nature of crime

c. is the study of brain

d. is a newly developed branch of palmistry

2. Evidence collected from the local crime scene is sent to crime laboratories as

a. they are full of testing equipment

b. evidence can be studied in a controlled environment
c. they have the latest computerized testing equipment and highly trained


d. results are expected to reach the investigating authority quickly

3. The composition of water in the lungs of a person who has drowned suggests

a. the condition of his lungs

b. the posture of his body when he drowned

c. the time of drowning

d. the place where he drowned

4. Fingerprints help in finding the identity of the criminal as

a. the fingerprints show the family to which the criminal belongs

b. his fingerprints match those of his siblings

c. the arch pattern of fingerprints is very rare

d. fingerprints are unique to a person

5.The word ‘coroner’ in Paragraph 1 means

a. an official who holds an inquest

b. a doctor who deals with patients with coronary problems

c. a court clerk

d. a member of the jury

6. The word ‘equipped’ in Paragraph 2 means

a. devoid

b. fitted out

c. emptied

d. ornamented

7.The word ‘charred’ in Paragraph 3 means

a. burnt and blackened

b. twisted

c. singed

d. shattered

Please answer the above Comprehension ...... ​


Answered by fenueyram

Answer: 1.b








Answered by sharmaseemass0264319


  1. b
  2. c
  3. c/d
  4. d
  5. a
  6. b
  7. a


I don't know the exact answers but I tried my best to answer it

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