English, asked by arcdhn85, 8 months ago

B. Read the paragraph given below. Using a pen, insert capital lettere
stops and question marks wherever required.
he was a tall man who was always dressed in black he
unusual face it was very pale with a long well-shaped nose
eyes and a thin mouth filled with pointed teeth he had long
fingernails and his breath smelt terrible when he saw blood ast
hungry look came into his eyes his eyes shone red and he be
shake after he had drunk blood his face became taller than usual
you guess who this man was​


Answered by tajdarazeem


He was a tall man who was always dressed in black. He unusual face it was very pale with a long well-shaped nose,eyes and a thin mouth filled with pointed teeth. He had long fingernails and his breath smelt terrible when he saw blood ast hungry look came into his eyes his eyes shone red and he be shake after he had drunk blood his face became taller than usual. You can guess who this man was? Hope this help you

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