Hindi, asked by mohddaniyal794, 3 months ago

B- सूचना के अनुसार कृतियाँ कीजिए :(4 Marles)
स्पिना के आधार पर वाक्य का भेद लिखिए
मुहल्लेवाले अपनी फुरसत से आते है।
निम्नलिखित वाक्यो में से किसी एक वाक्य का अर्थ के आधार परीगा
मुथनानुसार पारवर्तन काजए ।
(0 तुम्हें अपना ख्याल रखना चाहिए। (आगावाचक वाक्य)
(1) यहाँ सरदी अच्छी है। (प्रश्नवाचक वाक्य)​




The Blog

Fun & Games

100 Super Hard Trick Questions That’ll Leave You Stumped For Days

by Team Scary Mommy

December 19, 2019


Updated October 1, 2021

trick questions

Marilyn Nieves/ Getty

OK, smartypants, you might think you know the answers to most questions, but have you ever been asked a trick question? Unlike trivia questions, these don’t require a whole lot of knowledge or experience. Trick questions are, well, tricky. The whole purpose is to try to deceive you into offering up an answer that isn’t correct. And truth be told, we could all use an exercise in futility every now and then. If you do happen to knock these out of the park, though, you get to feel like the most clever person around.

It’s also a great exercise for your brain. So, if you want to give your mind a workout, you’ve come to the right place. Trick questions are not only fun, but they make you think. And it’s fun for the whole family! Your kids will shriek with laughter at these silly brain stumpers, especially once they hear the answers. The best part about these trick questions is that just when you think you have the right answer, it turns out to be even simpler than you thought. These queries are the titans of deception and so much fun.

RELATED: 100+ Tricky Tongue Twisters For Your Lovely Little Linguist

Intrigued? We rounded up some of the best and funniest trick questions for your next family game night that are sure to leave you scratching your head. Once you blow through these (’cause we know your brain gears are already turning!), you can try our hard riddles, riddles for kids, riddles for teens, and “What Am I?” riddles.

RELATED: Knock, Knock! Who’s There? 60+ Hilarious Jokes That Will Knock You Over

A little girl kicks a soccer ball. It goes 10 feet and comes back to her. How is this possible?

It’s called gravity. She kicked it up.

What two things can you never eat for breakfast?

Lunch and dinner.

What is always coming, but never arrives?


What gets wetter the more it dries?

A towel.

What was the President’s name in 1992?

The same as it is today.

What word would you use to describe a man who does not have all his fingers on one hand?

Normal, because people usually have half their fingers on one hand.

What word is spelled incorrectly in every single dictionary?


What do an island and the letter “t” have in common?

They are both in the middle of water.

What can be broken but never held?

A promise.

What goes up and down but can’t move?

A staircase.

I have teeth but I can’t eat. What am I?

A comb.

What goes up but never comes down?

Your age.

A man dressed in all black is walking down a country lane. Suddenly, a large black car without any lights on comes round the corner and screeches to a halt. How did the car know he was there?

It was day time.

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