(b) State the main function of the following:
(i) Medulla Oblangata
(ii) Cytokinins
(11) Tears
(iv) Coronary Artery
(v) Seminal Vesicles
The medulla oblongata is a portion of the hindbrain that controls autonomic functions such as breathing, digestion, heart and blood vessel function, swallowing, and sneezing. Motor and sensory neurons from the midbrain and forebrain travel through the medulla Cytokinins (CK) are a class of plant growth substances (phytohormones) that promote cell ... Contents. Cytokinins (CK) are a class of plant growth substances (phytohormones) that promote cell division, or cytokinesis, in plant roots and shoots. They are involved primarily in cell growth and differentiation, but also affect apical dominance, axillary bud growth, and leaf senescence. Tears prevent dryness by coating the surface of the eye, as well as protecting it from external irritants. There are no blood vessels on the surface of the eye, so oxygen and nutrients are transported to the surface cells by tears. Foreign bodies that enter the eye are washed out by tears. Function.Function. The seminal vesicles secrete a significant proportion of the fluid that ultimately becomes semen. Fluid is secreted from the ejaculatory ducts of the vesicles into the vas deferens, where it becomes part of semen. This then passes through the urethra, where it is ejaculated during a male sexual response. The seminal vesicles secrete a significant proportion of the fluid that ultimately becomes semen. Fluid is secreted from the ejaculatory ducts of the vesicles into the vas deferens, where it becomes part of semen. This then passes through the urethra, where it is ejaculated during a male sexual response.