बैटरी ऑफ द वर्ल्ड इज कनेक्टेड इन सीरीज एंड द कलर कंबीनेशन ऑफ रजिस्टर 3m, ट्वेल बम बम एंड हाउ मच करंट गुड फ्लोज थ्रू ईच कंबीनेशन
hey bud!
I cant understand it yet i will try to figure it out!
translated:Battery of the world is connected in series and the color combination of register 3m, twin bomb bomb and how much current good flow through each combination.
The function of the battery is to store electricity in the form of chemical energy and
when required to convert it to electrical energy. Electrical energy can be produced
from two plates immersed in a chemical solution. When several are linked, they give
a higher capacity.
Battery cells can be divided into two major types:
• Primary cell: It is one that cannot be recharged and is discarded at the end of
its life.
• Secondary cell: It is one that is rechargeable.
Examples of primary cells include carbon-zinc (dry cell), alkaline-manganese,
mercury-zinc, silver-zinc, and lithium cells (e.g., lithium-manganese dioxide, lithiumsulfur dioxide, and lithium-thionyl chloride). Examples of secondary cells include
lead-lead dioxide (lead-acid), nickel-cadmium, nickel-iron, nickel-hydrogen, nickelmetal hydride, silver-zinc, silver-cadmium, and lithium-ion.