English, asked by bsb77766, 4 months ago

B. The following people share some common qualities. Write two
adjectives to describe them,
1. Sheila does not watch where she is going. Instead, she always looks up
at the clouds or at people going by.
2. Rohit's clothes and shoes never last long. His shirts get torn while
playing. His shoe straps break soon because he is always in a hurry and
never puts on his shoes properly. Careless
3. Suraj daydreams all the time. He thinks of flying planes and visiting new
places. He does not hear what the teacher says in class because his
mind is always wandering.

pls answer I will give u 100points...answers not based on this content will be reported ​


Answered by gouravgupta65

Describing People

Here’s some useful vocabulary for describing people and talking about physical appearance. Remember that you need to be quite careful when you’re describing people. At the bottom of this page are some tips for being tactful.


If you’re old you might have a pension, so you’re an old age pensioner, or a senior citizen. An old person might be 65 years old and over.

If you’re old you might have a pension, so you’re an old age pensioner, or a senior citizen. An old person might be 65 years old and over.Before you’re old (around 55, for example) you can be middle-aged. If you have children when you’re this age, they can be young adult (20-25 years of age) or teenager. (13-19).

If you’re old you might have a pension, so you’re an old age pensioner, or a senior citizen. An old person might be 65 years old and over.Before you’re old (around 55, for example) you can be middle-aged. If you have children when you’re this age, they can be young adult (20-25 years of age) or teenager. (13-19).There are other words for younger children. For example, a toddler is around 1-3 years old, while a baby is from 0-12 months old.


People are built in all shapes and sizes. There are those who are fat and overweight. Some people are extremely overweight and are obese. Other people are naturally slim, but others look have absolutely no fat on them and are thin, or skinny.

People are built in all shapes and sizes. There are those who are fat and overweight. Some people are extremely overweight and are obese. Other people are naturally slim, but others look have absolutely no fat on them and are thin, or skinny.Other words for describing people and build are:

stocky = small, but well-built

stocky = small, but well-builttall

stocky = small, but well-builttallshort

stocky = small, but well-builttallshortlean = with very little fat

stocky = small, but well-builttallshortlean = with very little fatwiry = quite thin, but muscular

stocky = small, but well-builttallshortlean = with very little fatwiry = quite thin, but muscularathletic

stocky = small, but well-builttallshortlean = with very little fatwiry = quite thin, but muscularathleticwell-proportioned.

stocky = small, but well-builttallshortlean = with very little fatwiry = quite thin, but muscularathleticwell-proportioned.curvaceous (for a woman) / an hour-glass figure (Like an 1940’s film star!)

stocky = small, but well-builttallshortlean = with very little fatwiry = quite thin, but muscularathleticwell-proportioned.curvaceous (for a woman) / an hour-glass figure (Like an 1940’s film star!)fit = healthy / active. To be fit you should take plenty of exercise.

stocky = small, but well-builttallshortlean = with very little fatwiry = quite thin, but muscularathleticwell-proportioned.curvaceous (for a woman) / an hour-glass figure (Like an 1940’s film star!)fit = healthy / active. To be fit you should take plenty of exercise.flabby = when your muscles go soft

Answered by yashuisha


1. clouds

2. shoes clothes shirts

3. dreams flying

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