History, asked by shagunsharma3303, 6 hours ago

b) the inclination of the sun's rays
(d) neither (a) nor by
H. Choose the correct option.
1. The ionosphere helps in radio communication as it contains
(a) dust particles
bi charged partides called fons
(c) water vapour
(d) one
2. The temperature varies with seasons because of variations in
(a) the number of daylight hours
(e) both (a) and (b)
3. The atmospheric pressure over a cold reyon 16
(a) high
by low
(c) normal
4. A wind vane shows
(a) wind speed
(b) wind direction
(c) air pressure
5. In both the hemispheres, the subtropical high-pressure belt derelops near the lautade
(a) 45
6. The diagram shows the
(d) none of these
(d) all of these
(a) westerlies
(b) polar winds
(c) trade winds
(d) westerlies and trade winds
7. A sea breeze moves towards the land duringa
la) day
(b) night
(c) both day and night (d) winter
8. The monsoon is a type of
(a) planetary wind
(b) trade wind
(c) seasonal local wind (d) westerly wind
9. Which of the following would you find in a cyclone?
(a) clear weather
(b) high pressure at the centre
(c) low pressure at the centre
(d) none of these
tahle number from Column A in each row of Column B. One​


Answered by Khounish


1. b) charged particles called fons

2. a) the number of day light hours

3. b) low

4. b) wind direction

5. 30 or 35 degree north and south latitude

6. question not proper

7. a) day

8. b) trade wind

9. c) low pressure at the centre

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