English, asked by kristykakka6126, 9 months ago

B) They, too, aware of sun and air and water,
Are fed by peaceful harvests,
by war’s long winter starv’d.
Their hands are ours, and in their lines we read
A labour not different from our own.
(a) ‘peaceful harvests’ refers to…….
(i) all types of crops
(ii) people dying in war
(iii) blessings of peace
(iv) wars of all kinds
(b) War been called winter because……..
(i) wars kill like winters
(ii) wars are cold
(iii) winters are
(iv) during both, we frightening don’t get enough food
(c) Who are ‘they’ in the first line?
(i) soldiers
(ii) humans across the world
(iii) people of enemy
(iv) enemy soldiers nation
(d) Find out the poetic devices used in the expression war’s long winter.
(i) simile (ii) alliteration (iii) metaphor (iv) personification
Q2. Answer the following questions in about 20 - 30 words.
(i) Why does the poet say that no lands are foreign?
(ii) What was Sivasubramania Iyer’s wife's reaction when she came to
know that a Muslim boy was invited to have a meal with them by her
(iii) What did Albert Einstein write in his letter to the American
President in 1939?
(iv) Why did the old lady have to bake the cake again and again?
(v) What does the poet like to do when it rains?
Q3. Answer the following questions in about 40 - 50 words.
(i) Though the people called the prince “The Happy Prince”, why
was the statue of the Happy Prince found crying?
(ii) What was the headmaster’s opinion about Albert? How did Albert
prove it wrong?
(iii) What are the guru’s words of wisdom? When does the disciple
remember them?
(iv) Why should birds not be allowed to die, according to the mayor?
What impression do you form of the mayor?
(v) What message does the poem ‘No Men Are Foreign’ convey?
Q4. Answer the following questions in about 100 - 120 words.
(i) What incident took place at the Rameshwaram Elementary
School when a new teacher came to the class?
(ii) “Guru was a wise man” – how does the story “The Kingdom of
fools” reflect it?


Answered by samriddhivashisth

(b) War been called winter because……..

(iv) during both, we frightening don’t get enough food

(i) soldiers

(ii) alliteration

Answered by dj7905


peaceful harvests’ refers to…….

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