English, asked by sunny09110, 1 month ago

B. Think and answer.
1. ‘smiles' and 'tears' stand for
a. happiness and sorrow
b. laughter and crying
2. 'slumber's chain' means
a. routine things we do before going to sleep
b. sleep
3. banquet-hall deserted stands for
a. life without friends
b. a banquet hall from where all guests have gone
4. flights are fled' and 'garland dead' means
a. the lights have been switched off and the flowers have
b. all happiness and charm have gone​


Answered by sangitaguptakol97

1. option a.

2. option a.

3. option a.

4. option b.

Hope it helps

Answered by nandinisoni123mrt


happiness and sorrow. r

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