Physics, asked by subesakhanal, 10 days ago

(b) Two different engines may have different power although they can do an equal
amount of work
Work is a scalar quantity​


Answered by RahulNaik20


Two engines are doing the same work but may have different power. Why?

Is this Elon Musk's next big thing?

Keith Hendy

Answered 2 years ago

Question: Two engines are doing the same work but may have different power. Why?

Work is Force x Distance while Power is the rate of doing Work.

At a constant speed, Work must be done is counteracting all opposing forces such as aerodynamic drag and frictional losses. Generally these opposing forces will increase with Velocity.

So at a given magnitude of opposing Force (transmission losses, aero drag, energy looses in the tires, etc.) an efficient, low drag, car (say a Tesla S) will be traveling faster than a high drag, low efficiency car (say a Dodge Caravan ;-). The Telsa will cover a given Dis

Why does the same exact engine produce a different number of horsepower when used in a different car?

What are advantages and disadvantages of two engines?

Why do the two engines have the same cc but their speeds are different and torque is different?

Why is any engine's work power not 100%?

If you have two engines, one twice the size of the other, will the bigger engine move the same thing faster if the engine speed is the same? If so, why?

Doug Smith

Answered 2 years ago

I'm not sure exactly what you are either asking or don't understand. I suspect this is a homework question or at least out of a textbook. To give you a complete answer I'd have to know what context the question is.

If this is a question to determine if you understand what power is then you need to understand that power is the time rate of work. If I do the same work but in a shorter amount of time them I produced more power.

Now if this is about how engine power is specified that is a different question. Engine power for an ICE is specified under a set of conditions. It is the maximum power the engine can produce and has an rpm acciciated to it. The only thing this tells you about what an engine is currently producing is that likely the engine is producing less than that number. For example your 150 hp engine is likely only producing 15 hp cruising down the highway.


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