English, asked by nishantroy8094, 6 days ago

B. We put it in one of the gunny-bags we had brought and when I got back to Banglore I duly
presented it to my wife. She was delighted! She at once put a coloured ribbon around its neck,
after discovering the cub was a 'boy' she christened it Bruno,
(1) Ic' here refers to
(a) A puppy (b) a small cat (c) a baby lion (d) a baby sloth bear
(ID How did the author's wife react upon seeing the present?
(a) She was very happy (b) she was angry (c) she was nostalgic (d) she was quiet
What did the author's wife do with the present?
(a) Showed it to her son (b) gave it food (c) put a ribbon around him (d) teased him
(iv) Which word in the extract is the opposite of dismayed"?
(a) Duly (b) presented (c) discovering (d) delighted
(V) Which word in the extract means the same as 'to name"?
(a) Duly (b) christened (c) discovering (d) delighted


Answered by unknown5686


go and search it on internet.

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