Biology, asked by vinshidutt, 1 year ago

b. What kind or spores (heterospores or homospores) do the ferns containing these type of prothalli produce? Explain your answer


Answered by merlinelizabethsunny


normaly called as micro and macro spore in heterosporous


Answered by smartbrainz

Heterospores are present in the ferns containing type of prothalli


  • There are a number of types of spores which are present in in the fonts. The sportes in the sexual reproduction of the the fern.
  • Mainly heterospore are present in the phone which contain these type prothally produce.sports have importance of our other reproductive structure because they are actually very resistant to the adverse environmental conditions which are present.

To know more about heterosporous in case of ferns,

Distinguish between homosporous and heterosporous conditions ..


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